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We are not required to provide a refund or replacement if you change your mind. But you can choose a refund or exchange if a book has a major fault. This is when the book:

  • has a fault that would have stopped someone from buying the book if they had known about it
  • is significantly different from the sample or description

Alternatively, you can choose to keep the book and we will compensate you for any drop in value.

To ask for an exchange or refund, you’ll need to prove that you purchased the book via the Hare Krishna Melbourne Online Shop. If you can’t provide an order confirmation, another form of proof of purchase will be required. Refunds will be issued using the same method as your original payment. Please call us on 03-9699-5122 first.

Please return your book with your name, order number and the reason for your return within 60 days from the date of purchase to Hare Krishna Melbourne, PO Box 125 Albert Park VIC 3206.

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